If you practice good oral hygiene habits, a dental bridge can last 10-15 years.
A gap may create possible problems with other teeth. Your teeth can drift apart, misaligning your bite. Gaps provide more space for bacteria to congregate and reproduce, making you more prone to decay and infections. Leaving gaps untreated may cause diminished bone density in your jaw.
Using a dental bridge can help curb these affects and help you maintain long-term oral health, as well as restore your smile.
Once your healthy teeth on either side of the gap have been prepped for dental crowns, your dentist will take a digital impression of your teeth and have our fully equipped laboratory fabricate your bridge.
Dental bridges are quicker, easier, and do not require surgery. Implants take up to 6 months to heal, whereas dental bridges are ready immediately. Some people may be a better candidate for a bridge than they are for a dental implant due to jawbone density problems.
If you would like to find out more about this treatment Contact us on 02920 889 305
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