At Parklands Dental Practice, we are committed to providing our patients with premium service whenever they need it, including outside regular business hours.
We keep several open appointment slots available daily should one of our patients have an emergency. We also offer emergency dental services outside surgery hours for our registered patients.
If you are a Denplan or private patient, call us on 076239 84723.
For NHS, the NHS Helpline is 016337 44387.
If you are a registered patient, please call us before 10:00 am during regular surgery hours if you need an emergency appointment. We will make every effort to see you as soon as possible. If you are not a registered patient, please call us during normal business hours, and we will book you in for an appointment as soon as possible.
For a toothache, gently clean the area around the tooth and rinse out your mouth with warm saltwater. Use a cold compress on your cheek to reduce swelling.
Remove any broken pieces if you can do so without causing any discomfort. If pieces of the brace protrude, but you can’t remove them, cover the protruding section with cotton or gauze to protect your cheeks and other soft parts inside your mouth.
We try to see patients with a chipped or cracked tooth within 48 hours.
If you would like to find out more about this treatment Contact us on 02920 889 305
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